Many people experience love relationship but how many understand the whole concept of a real relationship? It's just like the story of the egg and ham bread.. the chicken involved but the pig committed. A relationship is not just two person being together physically but emotionally connected too as well. Spending time together not just for activities like watching movie or tv but having deep conversation while building bonding. In this way, love will be able to progress to another stage. Everything relationship needs to build bonding, friends too, we drink and talk to understand each other more.
All these sounds easy, but it is not a process. Love should comes naturally, you will automatically wants to spend more time with the person. This is something that cannot be forced, it will happens when there is love. Normally people called this the honeymoon period, this period of cos' will have normal argument as well to understand each other more. Slowly it will just move to another stage, probably staying together so that you can experience each other living habits. It will be normal to have argument to adjust to each other, this can eventually lead to a break up if cannot be compromised. Its still better than having a divorce which requires more time and money. If everything's ok, it will automatically moved to next stage which is marriage. Love and effort does not stops here, bonding and communications again applies here.
After marriage, probably enjoy one year of "just married" period and probably starting to make babies. Don't ask me why, if you don't want to make baby, why married? Maybe some people just feel secure when married but I don't think it is. To me, security is from the heart, you don't register it, you feel it. If someone loves you, you will be able to feel it from your inside. Not because when a person care for you, this is not love, this is not a process. A love relationship is more than care, it needs commitment as well. If there is not commitment, it will be just a relationship with an activities partner.
When a love relationship is over at the time, it ends there. It will be converted to memories to be kept. In our life, we will be meeting different kind of people, we don't experience all different relationship and then choose the best one after that. This game don't work in this way, when you missed your boat, you missed. You don't have to regret, I will advise you to appreciate what you had than wasting time on what you had already lost.
Lastly, you know why marriage in Chinese is called 喜喜?It obviously is two person 喜 together. It is not a precess that needed, it's the heart that matters. It is two heart not one that can makes it work. Let me know if your idea of a relationship is different from mine.