Most of us will probably live for the crave [desire] for the 5C (credit card, cash, condo, car and career). Do all these items can really make you happy? For people who don't know what's real happiness are, maybe it will.
Recently I have read a very inspiring and motivating Japanese comic. They mention that there are two kinds of people who have ambition - one is base on their crave (desire), one on their belief [believe]. Actually, the different between crave (desire) and belief (believe) is whether you are the leader or he is. I found that most of the city people live base on their crave (desire). It's so sad if crave (desire) is the one who lead your life.
You may think that you need money to survive but will die if you do not have? We only need the basics to survive, it's the crave (desire) in you that make you think that you need more, don't you think so?
"Some people may think that comics are for kids, but I don't really agree. I think that people who read comics, will have dreams."
*Belief = 信念, Crave = 欲望