I always think that a mother's love to their children is always the greatest and unconditional but I am totally wrong. Maybe I am just too lucky to have one who always think and do the best for their children than for herself. I realised that not all mother has no condition for what they does for their children. It's a child responsibility to take care of the parent bt not a condition to do it in a parent's way. Perhaps some mother didn't realised that actually they have conditioned their children in some ways.
I should changed my sentence to "All mother loves their children" but some with conditions. Finally I have seen some that have conditions in it, but probably they are too selfish and shallow to see what they are doing are for their own good instead of for the good for their children. It's so sad that these kind of love existed in this world but on the other hand, it will makes me appreciate my mum's love even more. A mother fish protecting her eggs, yet they ate up all the eggs when feels that she don't have the ability to protect it. It's when she FEELS, doesn't mean it is going to happen.
Sad but true, but the only truth I know is that we ain't no fish. It's a fact that in all mother's eye, their children will never be grown up enough for their own, but in actual fact, they do grown up and they will be a parent next time too. The mature age was set at 21 years old for a reason, cos' everyone should be able to decide for themselves by then but of cos' there may have some exceptional case. Probably the kid are too protected by the parent and still depending on them. As someone said before.. a mountain that is smooth, cannot be climbed.
I hereby urged all shallow mothers out there, please think for the good of your children, than just selfishly satisfying your own "feel". They too have the right to choose as long as they are responsible for their own action. No one can choose and responsible for other's life. What you think is right doesn't mean is the best. You may think that you had won a battle now but eventually you will end up losing a war instead. As I am very sure that no one in this world can buy respect.. it needs to be earn. Think.
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