18 February 2007

Meaning vs Process

As the year goes by, I starting to realise that I am losing the meaning. What’s the meaning? The meaning of doing something. Remember the time when we will young, celebrating Chinese New Year is a great things for us. Kids will love to have “Ang Bao”, but now… we are no longer kids… “Ang Bao” became the process of CNY instead. We no longer sees the meaning of it. For reunion dinner, it’s another process that need to be done. Do we really feel like reunion or just a process? Nobody knows better than you.

Normally, we will have a farewell party on the last day for the person who resigned. We will have drinks and talking sessions as if we will never meet again, but maybe we really won’t meet again. How many of you really have the truth feeling of farewell? Where is the meaning? These are just some living examples. Throughout the years, I think that “process” is slowly taking over the “meaning” subconsciously. Maybe it's because that we are now in the digital age, we can use email, sms, msm instead of meeting. Although it may bring friends who stay further nearer, but may just end up bringing the friends who are staying nearer further. If you are not careful, you may be losing the meaning of life.

Happy Lunar New Year! It’s not a process, sincerely from me.

“The meaning of life is to give life meaning” - Ken Hudgins

17 February 2007

It's time to say GoodBye again...

I realise that it's not easy to say goodbye to a good friend. At least I am not good at saying it. It's not just like a goodbye hug or a pat on the shoulder. Every words have a certain amount of weight attached to it. Every goodbye you said, changes take place in your life. I really hated to say goodbye, but you just have to...

When you really think about it, people in your life, comes and goes. No one really will stays with you forever, every life move on... people goes in different ways. As we chinese says, the most painful thing in this world is to bid farewell (生离死别). Saying goodbye is like making payment at the shopping centre counter after your shopping. It has finally reached a stop point. The only thing different is that we don't buy things, what we check out is memories.

This month I just happened to check out twice. One moving to a better prospect career as another moved to a better place on earth. Goodbye my dear friend! I will miss you, bon voyage...

Brother Bonding Beer

Last week, I had an interesting drinking session with my 'brothers'. The feeling was really great, it deserved to be written into my blog. These people are not my real brother, they are my good friends or you can call them my drinking kakis. Some are single, some are attached but we still make an effort to meet each other.

Normally we meet for some drinks and sinful food, it can be anywhere any place. One thing good about this brotherhood bonding is that we don't really asked a lot of questions when we arrange for a session. All that matters are drink, that's why we are called "jui guei". If a women was involved, it may be different. Of course it does not applied to all women, I am not trying to be a MCP here. Normally girls will ask a lot of questions before they decide on something - like, who's going, where to go, etc. For guys, we just need some cosy place with food and drinks... or maybe with plasma tv showing soccer and we are done. I think drinking is the bonding we had for years. Can you imagine if we drink coffee instead? Do people drink jug of coffee?

Not all my friends know each other, but drinking pulled us together. So far, all of my drinking friends mix around very well. Either it's because of the alcohol effect or because we are all guys. As long as friends that drink, it will be much easler to pull them together. One of my friend used to drink only one mug of beer for a session, I mean a drinking session. By the time we ended our session, the beer is already warm like coffee. You know, it's very sinful to heat up your beer. By through years, he finally realised this idea - No more keeping fish in the beer (that's what we called when someone doesn't drink his beer for sometime). Why does people choose to drink beer then to coffee? Probably because the more you drink, the more real you will become. No one will be able to act when alcohol take control, it's the real you.

Sometimes, we do stupid things after drinking, but it's fun to experience that because we just won't do it when we are sober. Hello guys, grap one if you haven't start yet. Everyone deserve to enjoy this bonding. Let us cheers for the creation of alcohol! Yam seng!

