If you have craving for food before, you will understand what I meant. For example, you are craving for the 'chicken rice' from a XYZ store and it just happen that the store didn't open on the day you craved. You may just decide to take the 'chicken rice' from a different store thinking that it will helps to clear your crave. After eating, you still prefer the 'chicken rice' from a XYZ store. You may think that this substitution has replaced the original crave. On the surface, it may seems like it had, but in actual fact, you still desire for the 'chicken rice' from a XYZ store. Just that the thought is now hiding behind your subconscious. It will keep on hunting you in your sleep till you have taken it. This does not only applies to your craving for food, it also applies to things you do in your daily life.
Substitution can never be replaceable by your crave, but maybe it will helps to postpone the urged. Don't you agree?
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