What happen to those who are attached or married? Wouldn't they time for msn? I think msn is just like friends to them, they will only go online when they need it. Some people may disagree with me, but you can’t disagree with the fact. You think it’s sad? I say no, I think it’s only sad when you become single one day with no friends, not even msn.
After discussing about msn, I guess friendster will be even worst. It's seems like it's invented not only for single people but single and desperate people.. hahaha.. what you think? how about blog? From my point of view, it's for lonely soul to express their feeling..
"My spiderman is a dark lonely soul"
a blog is means to let out ur emotions otherwise bottled up. Face it, people with pride will never let anyone into their hearts, wats more their soul. If u cannot find a psychologist to heal ur wounded heart, why not let it out by blogging. Point of fact is, it's out. Cheers
blogging is really good in letting out your emotions.. but maybe to a certain extense.. even psychologist can't heal a heart.. all you need is just time..
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