The value of 'urgent' had dropped quite a bit. It's like the horn for the car which was originally meant for emergency use, but a lot of the drivers abused it by using unnecessarily.
I remember there's a story of the shepherd who lies about the coming of the wolf and laughed at the kind villagers who came to his rescue. For the third time when the wolf really appeared, no one trusted him anymore and nobody came to help. This story reminds us don't take things for granted. Just imagine that a person always come to you and tell you that the 'something' is 'urgent', sooner or later, you will lost the trust in him and when he really need something which is really urgent, I bet that anyone will ever believe him again. So remember, don't abuse the word 'urgent'.
Urgent by dictionary.com means:
1. compelling or requiring immediate action or attention; imperative; pressing: an urgent matter.
2. insistent or earnest in solicitation; importunate, as a person: an urgent pleader.
3. expressed with insistence, as requests or appeals: an urgent tone of voice.
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