26 September 2006

Are you what your sign are?

Are you a horoscope person? Although I believe in horoscope, but I am not a supersitious person. I think that a person character is based on it's horoscope, but it does not apply to whether this person is kind or not. Kindness is depending on the way he/she was brought up, the friends they mixed with, the environment, etc.

I believe that in every sign will have good and bad substances. Therefore, through your life experiences, you will absorb the so call "substances" that created the "you" now.

Did you notice that most of the time, the sign with the same element click well with each other? Just simple ask around, and you will realise that they really are, but of course there are still some exception. Sometimes, it also depend on the chinese horoscope and the role you are playing withe the person.

Water: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Although the same sign gets along well, but it doesn't mean that they will make a happy couple. It takes more then 'click' to make a relationship works, I guess 'sign' gave a good head start. Couple with a different sign will have to work even harder to make things work.

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