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Recently I am obsessed with the drama Ghost Whisperer, seems like the dramatic love is stronger than the love in real life. I remember a line from Melinda that catches my attention, it says "Love is not about what you said, it's about what you do." That's all, simple and nice but how many people in this living world knows the real meaning? You should be glad if you knows it. Not everyone had a chance to meet someone who you really can love and who can love you back as well. If you found one, you should appreciate and value it. All I know is that love comes from everybody heart, if its there, it will be there. Your actions determine your heart, not words.
I loves their stories as it shows all kind of love and the regrets that a person had after they passed away. Death is the time when everybody wake up from the living world. This is the only time you will know whether did you leave any regrets and the Ghost Whisperer is the last chance you had to clear whatever you needed to do before you can die in peace. Not all the time you will get forgiveness, as this world is also full of anger, hatred, jealousy, etc. One thing I am sure of that is fair in this world is that everyone only live once, whether it's short or long, it does matter... what matters is you only live once.
Have you watch the TV series LOST yet? Its a great show to me although some commented that they're lost when missing some parts. Yes, you will. The show is not about people who get lost on island after their flight crashed. I should say that they were originally lost within themselves even before the crash. The crash is giving them a chance to find themselves back. I think everybody life is almost similar to the show itself, just that the way it presented was different.
I believed that everybody has a time when they are more lost, we will seek ways and helps to find back the missing piece. Like in the show, some of them was trying very hard to wanting to get out of the island but yet some just wanted to stay there. Logically, normal people will a logic will wants to get back to where you belongs. The question is, why should you get back to a place which you are lost when you have a better choice, which is the island. I believe in miracles and knows that it cannot be explained by logic. Lots of thing in this world don't explain itself in logic.
Recently, I am lost in part of my life and I felt so helpless but the environment talks to me and lead me to some solution. It is an incredible experience, everything just comes together. The message don't comes in one, they comes from the people are talk to, the movie i watched, the dream I made, the books I read and even some horoscope that I happens to read. I show it to some of my friend, they also have a shocking reaction. Some may think is a coincident but I believe that my fate will lead me to my destination thru' all these activities happening around me. There are hind here and there, I just need to figure it out. Some things are meant to be lost as you can't hold on to everything in life. Nothing is forever, there are things you can't change in life, just admitted it and move on. The most importantly is that Everything happens for a reason. We may lost something valuable to us but we will gain something back as well. Its like the cycle of nature that keeps the world going.
Life has been great and challenging for me, I will reach my destination one day, you will as well.
After going thru' my blog list, I realised that this one is unpublished since June 2007. After I read thru', I think it's meant to be publish now. If you ask me what image is this, I will tell you that this is me. Sometime I just want to know what I am thinking about...if I am hungry, I want to eat; if I am thirsty, I want to drink; if I am boring, I want to have fun; if I want money, I have to work.. isn't it just so simple? If understanding myself is simple like cutting up yourself, so that you will be able to see what's really inside you - Life will be much easier. Do you really have a lung or a heart in you, maybe you does have physically, but it still doesn't mean you have it emotionally. Cutting up yourself is more painful or knowing yourself is more painful? Everybody will be telling you the same thing, everybody has the same thing inside them. Have you ever wonder do you really have what they have? In actually fact, it don't really matters, as long as you are happy? Do you only talk to people when you are require to? then, this two paragraph is totally unimportant. If you ask me what I am good with, maybe I will tell you that I am good in talking rubbish and drinking. Probably the combination best describe me. I want to fly, I want to fly.. give me wings..
Many people experience love relationship but how many understand the whole concept of a real relationship? It's just like the story of the egg and ham bread.. the chicken involved but the pig committed. A relationship is not just two person being together physically but emotionally connected too as well. Spending time together not just for activities like watching movie or tv but having deep conversation while building bonding. In this way, love will be able to progress to another stage. Everything relationship needs to build bonding, friends too, we drink and talk to understand each other more.
All these sounds easy, but it is not a process. Love should comes naturally, you will automatically wants to spend more time with the person. This is something that cannot be forced, it will happens when there is love. Normally people called this the honeymoon period, this period of cos' will have normal argument as well to understand each other more. Slowly it will just move to another stage, probably staying together so that you can experience each other living habits. It will be normal to have argument to adjust to each other, this can eventually lead to a break up if cannot be compromised. Its still better than having a divorce which requires more time and money. If everything's ok, it will automatically moved to next stage which is marriage. Love and effort does not stops here, bonding and communications again applies here.
After marriage, probably enjoy one year of "just married" period and probably starting to make babies. Don't ask me why, if you don't want to make baby, why married? Maybe some people just feel secure when married but I don't think it is. To me, security is from the heart, you don't register it, you feel it. If someone loves you, you will be able to feel it from your inside. Not because when a person care for you, this is not love, this is not a process. A love relationship is more than care, it needs commitment as well. If there is not commitment, it will be just a relationship with an activities partner.
When a love relationship is over at the time, it ends there. It will be converted to memories to be kept. In our life, we will be meeting different kind of people, we don't experience all different relationship and then choose the best one after that. This game don't work in this way, when you missed your boat, you missed. You don't have to regret, I will advise you to appreciate what you had than wasting time on what you had already lost.
Lastly, you know why marriage in Chinese is called 喜喜?It obviously is two person 喜 together. It is not a precess that needed, it's the heart that matters. It is two heart not one that can makes it work. Let me know if your idea of a relationship is different from mine.