Weeks before, i reinstalled my desktop and accidentally deleted 10Gb of my mp3 that i thought will be able to extract from my ipod. Currently ipod or itune can't do that yet, but i found a 3rd party software that can do that - iGadget. The software itself cost US$15, I was thinking maybe I can find a free version on the web. Feeling relieved after figuring out the solution, i started to take my own sweet time to do it. Only God knows that it will be drowned weeks later.
Now, its time to pay for my retributions for taking things for granted. Somethings in life are just so unpredictable, never just assumed that things are there just when you need it. Anything can happens at anytime unexpectedly, but don't get upset when it happens, i believe everything happened for a reason. It may be a blessing in disguised.
After the incident, i search around and I found their long lost son - the walkman phone called "darkness II". Seems like i am not good in naming things. Anyway, thanks for the two buddies that stays with me for the good and bad times. They will always stay as a part of my memories...
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